RAF Valley is located on the Isle of Anglesey, approximately 20 miles to the North-West of Bangor, Wales. This design and build project provided RAF Valley with a refurbished 13-31 Runway. To facilitate this, it was necessary to re-profile, strengthen, widen, and resurface the runway to improve the geometry and comply with the physical requirements detailed within the Military Aviation Authority Manual of Aerodrome Design and Safeguarding (MADS) version 7.
Project Title: RAF Valley, Isle of Anglesey Wales Runway 13-31, Taxiway & Aeronautical Ground Lighting Refurbishment
Value: £23M
Dates: Construction April 2016 – July 2017
The works also included the refurbishment of the Northern (Alpha) and Southern (Bravo) parallel and link taxiways and Aircraft Servicing Platforms Two (ASP2) and Five (ASP5). A new airside perimeter road (APR) was also constructed to improve access to the Airfield.
The site remained an active and operational airfield during the majority of the project. A bolthole period of 4 weeks was provided by the Employer to enable the Contractor to complete works to the 13-31 and 01-19 Runway intersection and the 2 other critical taxiway interfaces which could not be accommodated whilst the 01-19 Runway was operational.
The bituminous surfacing element of the project involved cold milling 155,000m2 of the existing surface, laying 43,000 tonnes of HDM Base course, 11,000 tonnes Marshall Asphalt Binder course, 26,000 tonnes of Marshall Surface course, and 6,000 tonnes of Porous Friction Course. A mobile asphalt plant was erected on site to produce the material required for the project. An onsite laboratory was also set up to monitor the quality of the materials and ensure they were fully compliant.
At either end of 13-31 Runway, the Contractor was required to reconstruct thresholds, which necessitated the installation of 27,360m2 of Pavement Quality concrete. Two new safe heading platforms were also constructed as part of the project. The PQ concrete was produced by a mobile concrete batching plant installed on site.
The project also entailed the installation of MADS compliant visual aids, runway and taxiway services and associated circuit components and power supply units, pavement markings and signage for the 13-31 Runway. The Aeronautical Ground Lighting (AGL) infrastructure for the runway was completely upgraded with the installation of 19,000m of primary ducting, 2,730m of secondary ducting and the construction of 329 number F900 rated access chambers.